Thursday, September 8, 2011

I will never win the best attendance award in Blogland!

Hey Everyone!  I have been a very bad blogger by going 2 weeks without posting....but wait I have a good excuse!  No, the dog didn't eat my brush but it has been a busy time and I was without my camera part of that time.  I had good intentions I intend to make up for it.  The last post I did was about my Grandson's 1st birthday party, it was great.  I will post some pics in the next few days.  I also have been painting and painting and did I say painting.  Well so now you know what I have been up to, but what's that you say.....prove it girl!  Ok, so here are some of the things I have worked on

When you are searching for pieces to re-do, it is either feast or famine!  So when you are on a roll finding the "good stuff" you have to take advantage of it.  I stepped out of my comfort zone with the red dresser, but I liked the way it turned out and also the extra touch I added with the custom knobs.

This is a beautiful writing desk that has a sister dresser that hasn't been touched yet other than to hold the paint can while I work on other pieces.  I know she is feeling neglected but I haven't had that "aha" moment when I knew exactly  how to "make her over" so be patient my pretty.  

I don't know if I am the only one who waits until they have that feeling when they know what color to paint something, or better yet for some it might be more like, what job do I take, what city do I move to or answers to those things that keep us up at night.  The paint color just comes to me as I gaze at the piece and imagine where it would look good if I had to keep it!  But on the major issues and decisions, I always just pray, and pray and then pray some more.  It doesn't always give me the answers I want at the time, but down the road I get the "aha" moment!  Speaking of prayer, please join me in praying for our nation on the anniversary of 911, also for the survivors of what remains to be the greatest tragedy of my lifetime.  Also, for the military who risk their lives everyday so that I am free!  My two cents.....for what it is worth
Till next time (leaving myself open, huh)


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