Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Next time ask questions

So, I am sure everyone has been in a situation where they have heard "you should have asked". Well that was what I heard this afternoon....and again....and again. Ok, so here's the scoop. I found a dresser on Craigslist that I wanted to buy to paint for a customer. Sounds good, huh, well here's where it went south (and I don't mean in a good way). The hubs and I set out to go pick it up, let me say I would rather drive than try to tell him how to get somewhere! So that was the first thing, fast forward to arriving at our destination. Hubs says "is it a townhouse" Girl "yes", ok stay with me because here is where "next time ask" comes in! Well, she didn't say the dresser was upstairs( girl mumbles). So as we go in, the Owner of the dresser, heads upstairs. I felt a sudden splash of egg on my face, and hubs there had chunked the proverbial egg. Well, as glass half full as I am realized immediately that it was a negatory! So hubs shows his he-man strength and lifts it to see how heavy it was, not gonna happen. So as you can imagine, I heard "next time ask questions" about a gazilion times. So we exchanged goodbyes in hopes of finding another strong male body to help him tomorrow!

On another note, "Daisy" sold today and so tomorrow I will post her final photo as she heads off to her new home! I found several new pieces today and so tomorrow is a "paint day" AKA no makeup, grubby clothes day. I love painting, it is therapeutic and rewarding (furniture doesn't care that I don't ask the questions, nah) we all need something that makes us feel good about ourselves.

I want others more....think less about more thankful.....always give thanks to God for the good, the bad and the times I ask "why" when I know he has all the a answers to my questions and even those I never ask.....till tomorrow......


  1. TINA! Love your blog. How much do you typically charge for dressers/armoires, and do you find them first or would a client (like me) find them...? I'm thinking I may need a big piece of furniture at some point, but I'm on a budget! Let me know how it works! LOVE YOUR WORK! MORE PICTURES, PLEASE!

  2. Thank you Ellen!! How are you? As far as cost, it really all depends. Typically, a customer tells me what they are looking for and if I don't already have it, I can find something for them. When you get ready, just give me an idea of your budget and we'll go from there!!
